2010 Resolutions

Thursday, December 31, 2009

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So, I have succumbed to the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing. Here is my list with explanations as to why I chose all of the goals. Most people set similar goals to mine. However, I have reasons.

(click to see larger image)

1. LEARN MORE MANDARIN: I would like to learn more Mandarin, because I am planning on visiting Taiwan with hubby this year. I could have put "Venture to Taiwan" as one of my goals. However, I know I have to do this sometime in the near future..and I am more than expecting it to happen in real life at the moment
(PLEASE everything go well and as planned!)

If anyone wants to give me some tips, whether it's on the language or culture, PUH-LEASE feel free. [:

2. LOSE WEIGHT: Everyone says they want to do this. However, I have purposely made my class schedule for this semester better for going to the gym etc. Also, I REALLY need to do this, because I do not want to give the "fat, stupid, American white girl" impression when I visit Taiwan.

3. RECEIVE ALL A'S THIS SEMESTER: My first semester in college was dog feces. I need to do EXTREMELY A LOT SUPER DUPER A LOT BETTER this semester, because I really want to graduate with latin honors...since I f*cked up high school. -_-

4. MAKE SOME FRIENDS: I always am afraid of making friends and talking to new people, because I am afraid they will call me weird or think I'm gross etc. I need to stop worrying so much about this. If  I give it a shot, at least I'll know who to trust and who to avoid.

5. BE AN OVERALL NICER PERSON: Quite often, I lose my temper, yell at those who have been nothing but nice to me, and throw fits at rather inappropriate times. Obviously there is something here to be fixed.

and last, but DEFINITELY NOT LEAST...

6. DEVELOP A NEW, MORE UNIQUE STYLE OF MY OWN: I love beauty and fashion. Perhaps it's time to express that passion. DUH![:

UPDATE: Okay. So I thought of another one. It's rather simple....



Shilka said...

I'll be rooting for you to achieve your goals :D I strongly believe that setting resolutions is first steep to achieving something :D

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